Saturday, December 15, 2007

Engineering..Why?,what?,and How?

This post is dedicated to the umpteen number of engineers springing out every microsecond.This may sound like a hyperbole,but it does not stray far from the truth..So i am sketching out,here an ordinary day of an engineering student...(for my convenience,a typical engineering student will be described by the letter X..(I am too lazy to type..i am a typical engineering student).

X's day starts with the alarm clock ringing at 3 in the morning,coz X promised himself the previous day,that he would wake up early to study.So the clock rings at 3,and it is duly switched off.The mobile alarm rings at 3:05(again dutifully switched off)X trusts himself very "deeply",so he puts 5 reminders on the phone,5 mins apart.,and hence X wakes up at 7..cursing the mobile.(X forgets mobiles do not work when switched off!!..).X curses himself for not studying the previous day.X has an external exam at 9:30.So X decides to revise whatever he has studied..but finds that task easy,coz he has studied nothing.So X roams around trying to find something to do,and realizes in a jiffy,that he has a downloaded movie to see.X is happy..
After scrolling through the movie,X remembers that he had made plans for jogging everyday,to maintain his fitness.X looks outside.Realizing that no girls were around,X
drops his plans.X shifts his focus back to the movie.X realizes his folly when he looks at the clock.10 mins for the college bus. Everything is in fast forward for the next ten mins,and miraculously X is ready,stuffing a piece of bread into his mouth,X runs to the bus stop.As luck would have it,X is exactly in time for the bus.Settling comfortably into his seat,X prepares himself for a long argument with the bus conductor.Since X is not prepared to part with his valuable pocket money,and X has not taken a bus card since the first one,he shows that one (yeah..the antique bus be handled delicately,since a small mistake would lead to complete destruction).Another argument ensues,and X promises to buy the new card.(to be noted : he dint specify 'when').The college bus ride is a pretty calm affair.
College time...X is ready,and raring to satisfy his lust for education.X arrives in college,late by 30 mins,but is not thrown out,since the teacher always comes late by 45 mins.The most interesting part of the class begins,a phase where each and every student in the class is attentive,yes the deeply satsifying attendance call.X heaves a huge sigh of relief,after the attendance ,since he is still maintaining the required attendance,and notes the percent down in his spl attendance book..a carefully maintained record to ensure that he has exactly 75%.After the deep mean the end of a deeply enlightening educational experience,X feels the all so familiar rumble in his tummy.Lunch Time..X rushes down to the canteen ,only to find that all the seats are taken.After a long wait,food is finally served.X is so hungry that he could eat even garbage,so he devours the food in front of him which incidentally is worse than garbage.
To be continued(i gotta sleep now..gotta wake up early tomorrow..!!..3 am)